Game MVP

Zachary Champine
JSerra Catholic Boys Varsity Tennis


Zach pulled a hat trick too, allowed only 4 games in 3 sets; all 4 games vs the Chargers line 1 player... a very deceiving opponent...Great job Zach! MVP extraordinaire!

Brady Schaefgen
Freshman phenom tore it up today, allowing only 2 games in 3 sets! Brady looked great in his debut as a Lion and we are looking for many more 3 set sweeps/MVPs from him!
Kenneth Perez
Kenney [the Printer] earned a varsity spot this year as a sophomore and played very well with Charlie in their debut! MVP's are tough to come by!
Hudson Aase
Hudson, another freshman swept all 3 w/ 2 separate partners. Hudson played well in all 3 sets as the other 2 boys took turns going to the barbershop!
Charlie Vogel
Charlie, another freshman earning a varsity spot, played some good dubs, great volleys and poaching. MVP well-earned!