Parent Meeting

Event Feed


1. Introduction of Coaches and Team Mom 2. First game is Aug 24th against Redwood Pal. It’s important that all players attend practice next week. 3. Practice is Monday-Thursday 5:30-7:30pm 4. If a child cannot make it, send a message on BLAST APP. 5. Incentive for players… There will be a raffle at the end of every game. For those with perfect attendance at practice they will be entered to win Roblox Apple or Vbucks gift cards. Must be present during the raffle. 6. MPR… each player gets a minimum of 8 plays per game. 7. Play time is based on attendances. If you miss a practice or are late more than an hour, your child sits out the 1st quarter. If you miss 2 practices, you sit out of the whole game. 8. Certification is Saturday. Last day to get documents in is Friday by 9pm. Please text Leia if you need til then to get everything. Team Mom will have the binder for signatures and to turn in documents. 9. No jamboree participation. Getting ready for Saturdays game. 10. Volunteer Hours 11. Open the floor for questions.