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What's The Separator? - Part 1 Yesterday I had a conversation with fellow Strength Coach regarding the keys to success and one of those keys was how to separate yourself from the pack. Everyone knows there is no quick fix, magic pill or secret, but the reality is success boils down to CONSISTENT ACTIONS over time. Yes, there are individuals that are blessed with genetics but most aren't as fortunate. Ultimately the separator is CONSISTENCY. Consistency in your habits, work ethic, preparation and mindset. Successful people consistently CHOOSE to do the things that average people choose not to do. SelSelf reflect on your actions and habits. Have you been making decisions that move you forward towards your goals on a daily basis? "If your habits don't match with your goals, then you need to either change your habits or change your goals"- John C. Maxwell Be Intentional with your time, study your craft, work hard daily and go to bed every night knowing you made progress! Coach Henry "Build the Human First, Then the Athlete"
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