To our grandson David Sehorn, have a great football season.
Wishing you and your teammates a successful and healthy season Happy to make cookies for any dinner just let me know!
Cheers to a Fantastic Junior Year!! You've Come A Long Way Kid!! Love you big time. Auntie Jeanine
Good luck this year, nephew! Don't be afraid to fail be afraid to not try!
We Luv You Son!! Have a great Year!!
Keep up working hard like you have, make the team win and make your dad proud!
David!! Congratulations and Best of Luck this year. Love you big time kid! ❤️ Auntie Jeanine
Good Luck to you and your team in 22-23🎉
We love you so much and are so proud of all that you have accomplished! Keep it up!
Good luck buddy
Good luck this season, don't get hurt, and most importantly have fun!
Good luck this season.