Documents & Forms
At-Home hitting descriptions_demos.pdf
Notes: Things that can be done with little to no space or no / minimal extra equipment to work on hitting
How2Focus_ The Pitchers & Hitters Zone.pdf
Notes: Details on rationale for our vision training from a pitching-hitting-fielding perspective (lots here, we try to simplify it as much as possible when training & executing)
THS Baseball Handbook 3 - Pitching.pdf
Notes: Long form explanation / detail behind why we teach what we do related to pitching
THS Baseball Handbook 2 - Infield-Outfield.pdf
Notes: Long form explanation / details behind why we teach what we do tied to defense.
Notes: Long form explanation of why we do & teach what we do related to offense.
THSbaseball manual 1-pillars.pdf
Notes: The long form explanation of why we do / require the things we do in the baseball program
Velocity - age & distance chart.pdf
Notes: A resource to give you guidelines on distance & velocity and what type of path it puts you on - and if what you aspire to is different than where you are, something to work toward.
Hustle - IN YOUR CONTROL.pdf
Notes: Details explaining why we require extreme hustle at all times - it is in our control ALWAYS and shows the coaching staff you are present, have a good attitude and are giving your best effort.