Dear Parents,

I would like to thank everyone for a great beginning to this season. The boys are working hard every practice and are looking forward to the 1st game. They are developing nicely and we have seen great improvement in just one month.

We look forward to the 1st jamboree September 15, 2018.

To make sure we are getting the most out of the practices, PLEASE make sure your child is in the correct jersey color for every practice. When we are running practice, we have different drills that pair the boys up against each other in team situations: small games, puck battles, and team drills. The jersey color will help the players know their teammates during the drills, which will help with overall development. It also help us divide the players evenly when needed. If you need to borrow a color, just let me know and I will make sure to have one at the next practice. You can also buy practice jerseys at the team store at

Practice Jersey Color


Tyson Brown

Bodie Berry

Johann Frutkin

Brayden Palocsik


Kellen Bowman

Cody Walkey

Jonah Adelman

Charles Belobraidic

Iver Belobraidic

Thank you,

Brad Berry