Hi Lions, I’ve busy with snack bar the last couple of weeks. I am able to collect the money for the scratcher fundraiser if you have it already. These funds will be used for the end of the banquet gift for the boys. If you haven’t already completed or started please have it ready for next Friday 10/05 as I need to start getting the gift ready in order for it to be ready by banquet. I’d like to get some stuff ready for the boys as well before our trip to Laughlin. Which should be on the 1st weekend of Dec Saturday the 1st. This still has to be confirmed but plan on it.
2nd I have set up the Ono fundraiser finally got the paperwork needed from the board.
It is scheduled for Wednesday 10/18 @ 5pm to 8pm. I will have flyers available next week. So tell your friends and family we get 50% of what we raise! Which is more than the other fundraisers! So let’s spread the word and get a huge turnout! If you have any questions please let me know.