Documents & Forms
Wichita Southeast Football Program 2025 Sign Up Sheet .pdf
Notes: Step 1: Sign up the team Scan the QR Code, create a Blast account with a PERSONAL email, then follow the steps to JOIN the team. Complete the steps until you come to the page that says "where do you want to go from here? " PARENTS create their OWN accounts with their information.
Wichita Southeast Football Program 2025_Contact Sheet w QR Code.pdf
Notes: Step 2: Add Contacts for the fundraiser 20 CELL + EMAIL Print off enough for the team, do not copy. Pass them out and have the athletes take them home, build the list with their parents of potential sponsors and then bring back to the next practice. Take 10-15 minutes AS A GROUP and have them input the names and contact information into the Blast app, then collect the sheets. DO NOT ADD TEAMMATES, CLASSMATES, CURRENT FB COACHES, ADMINS or TEACHERS