Norte Vista Football Fundraiser
Welcome to NORTE VISTA High School Football! We want to thank you for your support, whether you are new to the NORTE VISTA family or have been with us for a while. Your donations help our program and players with all the things they’ll need in order to compete in the upcoming season. Our student athletes are about hard work, dedication, overcoming adversity and achieving greatness on and off the field. Desire, teamwork, commitment, discipline, motivation and good moral character are all expected in our program. Programs like ours cannot exist without your loving support from our community, local businesses, our friends and family, and our partnership with Blast Athletics making this easier than ever before. By donating, you will become part of the NORTE VISTA Football family. You will receive updates, game scores and information on how the NORTE VISTA student athletes perform in football. Please click the link to get started. We are a proud NORTE VISTA FOOTBALL 🏈 FAMILY and we’re looking forward to another successful season!!! Thank you all for everything. Welcome to the NORTE VISTA FOOTBALL 🏈 family! GO BRAVES!!!
raised of $20,000 goal143
Recurring Donations ($55/mo)How Blast Works
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Click the yellow donate button, then choose your favorite athlete to support and follow. You can also choose Team instead of a specific person.
Use your credit/debit card, or mail a check.
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Receive weekly updates containing the content the team posted to Blast the previous week. This can include schedules, scores, videos, pictures, and more.