10 Donations — $580.00 Total
9/17/2024  (Alumni)
Chris Sprowl
9/05/2024  (Alumni)
Taylor Grasser
8/27/2024  (Alumni)
So proud of you, Halen!! Go Township!
Ben Blough
8/25/2024  (Alumni)
Ben Blough
8/25/2024  (Alumni)
The Shirley Family
8/25/2024  (Alumni)
Good luck Luke and the entire CT Football Team! GO INDIANS!❤️🏈🖤
Earl Sleek
8/22/2024  (Alumni)
Best of luck with your football season Jacob. This is your year to be a leader and bring the team along. Go Team! Go CT!
Pamela Sleek
8/22/2024  (Alumni)
Best of Luck to you Greyson and the CTHS Team. Go Team!!
Justin & Jennifer Lasure
8/22/2024  (Alumni)
Enjoy the season! ❤️🖤🏈
Blake M Zaman
8/20/2024  (Alumni)