Costa Mesa, CA — The girls varsity [minus 3 of our top 6 girls] had no problem reining in the Costa Mesa Mustangs today in their home corral, 18 to zero! Coach pulled up 3 JV players for this venture. Delara Gitibin, Rosalia Ripullo and Ava Serentelos..along with freshman singles player Victoria Oh and last years Trinity League Singles Champion, Anna Ciraci, freshman Olivia Morris doubles and senior Juliana Calo all won their 1st , 2nd and 3rd set varsity victories. "Act Like You've Been There" ['cuz they have!] senior Olivia McHenry and sophomore Elise Early both added 3 sets to varsity victories from the past. Not only did these ladies win all eighteen sets, they only gave up 2 games in 18 sets [all sets but two were 6-0]! This brings us to .500 season and we take the show on the road tomorrow vs Newport, a VERY formidable foe! Go Lions!