Game MVP

Lulu Hill
JSerra Catholic Girls Frosh/Soph Tennis


LuLu rushed over to Bolsa Grande in time to play both sets of singles and a 3rd set of doubles - she won all 3!....only player to do so today. Well done๐ŸŽพ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ‘

Annie Sherwood
Annie, playing line #1 singles and #1 doubles, won 1 set each for 2 of 3 this afternoon. Annie and Mia both beat their #2 singles player and got revenge on their #1 player in their line #1 doubles match.
mia contreras
Mia, playing line #2 singles and #1 doubles, won 1 set each for 2 of 3 this afternoon. Annie and Mia both beat their #2 singles player and got revenge on their #1 player in their line #1 doubles match.