Game MVP

Emily Volk
JSerra Catholic Girls JV Prep Tennis


Emily was 100% winning all 3 of her sets played in doubles today, twice w Emma and a tuff opening round win vs Edison w Milan. Well done.

Josie Andersen
Josie won both sets of doubles, once w Milan vs La Quinta and another w Olivia vs Sage Hill.
Olivia Frazier
Olivia won dubs twice, once w Josie and a 8-7 tiebreak win in opening round vs Edison w Rilee.
Milan Jepsen
Milan was 100% winning both doubles sets played today! She and Emily beat Edison’s line 4 in the opening round, followed by a tiebreak win vs La Quinta in round 2 w Josie.
Emma Withycombe
Emma won 2 sets of doubles today for a 100% win ratio! She teamed w Emily for both, vs La Quinta and Sage Hill.