Aliso Viejo, CA — JV girls tennis up’d their record to 3 wins - 0 losses with a non-league win at Aliso Niguel HS this afternoon. Most of the team members got to play 2 full sets, a few 1…. but everyone who went got to play! Our attack was fairly balanced with 5 set wins in singles and 7 in doubles. A bit unbalanced in rounds played, though: 5-1, 4-2, 3-3. We were a tie-breaker away from sweeping round 1, just like at Dana Hills and Huntington Beach. Coming out and DOMINATING round #1 is a great “habit” to get into. Line #3 doubles was perfect, won all 3 sets played and MVP status for Jessica Jenkins, Sydney Shaw and Christina Nama, who each played twice. Caitlyn Davidson, MVP in doubles today, winning both sets played; one each with Bella and Rowan at line 3. Gianna Gancar, MVP in doubles at line #1, winning both sets played; one each with Riley and Arina. Dylan Henderson and Kinsley Moore were both perfect, 2 for 2, in singles earning MVP honors. Kinsley did it the hard way with 2 tie-breaker wins. Samantha McCulloch picked up our other singles win in round #1, dropped a very close TB in round #2. Good efforts today in the heat by everybody. Thanks to the Jenkins family for nutritious and healthy snacks and plenty of water! Next up: Los Olisos, 2:30 pm on THURSDAY! Heat not the issue, mountain fires may cause cancellation - it’s in Rancho Cucamonga right below Mountain High ski area. Will let you all know tomorrow.