Camarillo, CA — JV girls dominated their final game of the season 3-1 against Oak Park. Kylie Satterlee knocked in a corner from Hailey Tapking early in the first half. Hailey then crushed a ball into the corner for the second goal. Cielo Medina hit a beautiful through ball to Mia Zarate who passed the keeper and put the Scorps up 3-1. Aubrey McDermott had 7 saves and was unlucky on a ball that slipped in during the final minutes. Carisa Legaspi-Gutierrez (the birthday girl) worked creatively in the midfield with Sadie Pewsey and Marilyn Montano. Up top, Sophia Rossell, Helena Rieckewald-Schmidt, Emily Barajas, and Stella Alessi played dangerous balls and kept Oak Park defenders on their heels all night. As always, the Scorps defense, led by Julia Santos, Izzy Schneider, McKenna Barbettini, Maya Dyer, Lyllette Scott, and Kena Schlimgen, closed down space and took away chances. The JV girls approached this game (as with every game and practice) with love, honor, and respect and finished a fine season with a record of 11-3-1 (5-2-1).