Game MVP

Jazanaye Silva
#13 PF, C
East Kentwood Girls Jr. Varsity Basketball


Jazzy lead our team in yesterday's game with 17 pts and 10 rebounds! This is Jazzy'a first of many double double this season. Her hard work is paying off and she really starting to show her strengths and abilities and using them to help our team be successful!

Zy Craig
Zy lead our team in steals yesterday! She had at least 5 if not more. Zy's hustle and grit allowed her to be an active defender in the game. Her work ethic is unmatched. Zy was a great factor in our teams win!!
#2 PG
Alana Bracey
Alana was our second leading score! With 7 pts. Alana played a great game! She was aggressive to the basket and shot when she was open! Her confidence allowed her to play well for not only herself but her teammates for their successful win last night!!!
#10 PG