San Juan Capistrano, CA — Foothill had a couple of JV players in the line-up today, at our request …. hoping for them to have 12 girls show up, so we could play an all doubles format. Well, that backfired, but our team played well and battled hard. We let the “C” squad play twice because of an earlier rainout, and all the “B” squad members played twice yesterday. We won 5 sets in singles and 2 in doubles. Abi Damron won the last set in round #2 (singles vs line #3: 6-1!) to get us within 2 sets, as we started round 3 down only 5-7. Flo Michael beat their #2 player in the opening round 6-3 while Jalyssa Pantoja Barraza was taking care of their #3 player 6-5. We swept opening round of singles, as Ella Joutz beat their top player 6-2. She came back into the rotation in round 3 to win her 2nd of 2 sets played, earning MVP honors with a 100% win ratio today. Two of our doubles teams defeated their #3 team: Jackie Thielman w Maddie Tran in round 2, and Emma Doss w Mia DeWames in the final round. Emma and Mia earned MVP honors joining the 100% club this afternoon. Well done. Honorable mention to Ella Dietrich w Milan Jepsen, and to Emily Meyer in singles, who entered in the 3rd round and had to play their best doubles and singles players respectively, and gave great effort. Thank you. Next up: DOUBLE HEADER Friday, Sept. 22nd. Crimson squad home vs Sage Hill, 2:30pm. Gold squad at Newport Harbor, 2:30pm.