Eudora, KS — Going into this game we knew it would be a tough one. It seems every time we play we either go into overtime or it’s a 1 score game. Tonight was no different. We started the game fast and Jameson was able to get a quick goal off a cross from Gavin. We looked crisp and quick with our passes. The boys really showed the possibilities of what they can do this season and what is to come. We had some huge huge saves from Jackson tonight, he really kept us in the game and made sure we kept the lead. Lachlan M was all over the field for us and filled in any gaps that we had. Jameson had a second header for a goal in the second half from a cross from Andrea from a set play. Jameson has had him a week. Scoring a goal Tuesday brings his goal total this week to 3. Not bad from a sophomore. This team will continue to improve as the season goes and as we get healthier as we are playing without 2 starters for the next few weeks. Big things are coming and it’ll be exciting to see these guys week in and week out.