Game MVP

Bri Campos
#21 PG, SG
Murrieta Mesa Girls Freshman Basketball


Bri was today's high-scorer against North HS with a career-high 11 points! Bri made some crucial plays to keep the momentum of the game going in our direction, including an offensive rebound that resulted in an AND-1. Bri is a consistently reliable player that her teammates can count on to make smart plays and take care of the basketball.

Ashley Milot
Ashley was the leader for her team out on the court today. Her vocal communication with her teammates is stellar as usual, as she makes sure everyone knows what their job is. Her defense today was impeccable, and without it, today would have been a completely different ball game. Ashley is a scrappy player who fights hard for the ball and isn't afraid to go to battle with her teammates.
#11 PG