Shillington, PA — I am very happy with the way we came out Friday night and took care of business from the opening whistle. Our focus was on US, playing together and doing what we've been coached to do. Eliminated mistakes and penalties, DON'T BEAT OURSELVES!!! The kids did just that and forced Boyertown into multiple mistakes of their own. I wasn't thrilled to have to come back Saturday to finish the second half being up 35-0, however, a great respect goes out to Coach Konneck of Boyertown and his staff to not give up on their kids and to teach them you finish what you start. It also gave us an opportunity to get a bunch of our second string kids in the game for some real varsity experience against a good Boyertown team. I'm disappointed we gave up a kickoff return to start the second half on Saturday and they did have a long run against us for another score. However, our offense, which did have a number of second string players playing, were able to move the ball. We start League play this week against Exeter, who is 3-0. Our kids are excited to get after the Eagles. Again, our focus will be on us and doing what we do right and eliminating mistakes.