Aliso Viejo, CA — Wolverines maul Lions in season opener, 12-6. After a rain delay season opener, our Frosh / Soph team finally got to compete against another school, and we got schooled. However, there was a lot of good effort at ANHS this afternoon. First off, despite the score, since we dropped 3 tie-breaker sets in doubles, this match could have easily been tied 9-9 and would have come down to a game count. We got only one set win in doubles, thanks to Scotty Kurtz and Owen Lau, who won 6-2 in round # 3. Well played gentlemen. Niko Abraham subbed in at line 1 singles in rounds 2 & 3 and defeated both his opponents easily. Niko earns MVP honors today for winning 100% of sets played. Good job Niko. And super kudos to our other MVP, Leo Merage, who went 3 for 3 “hat trick”, finishing off by destroying their top singles player 6-0 in round 3. This was a Herculean performance today by Leo, well done. Santiago Jiminez, thank you for volunteering to the the team prayer today. Much appreciated. Next up: tomorrow (which is today if you’re reading this Saturday morning!) at Santa Margarita Catholic High School, 11:30am. Be there at 10:45 for warm up.