Lake Forest, CA — Well-played today Lions with a 16-2 victory. "El Toro was short-handed today, and had a doubles team drop out after round 2" KOach Orahood adds; "All of the doules teams would've been MVP's had they played 3 'real' sets"; Gary and Connor picked up 2 of 2. Five true freshman played their first varsity matches today; Connor and Cade Faul, HB Warner, Cole Carlson, and Emilio Salgado, dropping only 1 set out of the 8 they competed in. "I was especially proud of HB, who earned the 9th spot on varsity via our challenge system". HB took 2 of the 3 singles sets he played today, losing a tought 4-6 match to the Chargers #1 player. Zach is on an official recruiting trip to Penn State and Brady defeated El Toro's #1 plaayer 6-0 before being excused. The Lions travel to Huntington Beach next Tuesday to play the always formidable Oilers. GO LIONS!!!