South Pasadena, CA — The South Pasadena Tigers fought a hard battle against a Temple City team that held off the Tigers in the last inning to clinch the victory 10 to 9. The Tigers had 11 hits: 4 hits from Anthony Ortiz including one double, 3 RBI's and one stolen base; 3 hits from Tatum Mendoza; 2 hits from Brayden Nakagawa including one double and 4 RBI's; and 1 hit from Beck Brenek who had 1 RBI. Isaiah Esquivel had 1 RBI on a base on balls. Hanson Chan pitched three innings with only 2 earned runs and 6 strike outs. Lomada pitched one inning with 1 earned run and 2 strike outs. Their next game is at San Marino on March 25 at 11AM.