Game MVP

Marco Belciano
JSerra Catholic Boys Jr. Varsity Tennis


Playing in our top spot, Marco won all 3 sets this afternoon: 6-0, 6-3, 6-0. El Toro’s top player, while having good strokes and a sound game, just couldn’t get untracked. Marco surprised himself with this lopsided win through great effort and some well timed lobs in this set that was tougher than the score suggests. Marco had a closer match with their #2 player, who was a good athlete playing tenacious defense. Great job today.

Mikey Junge
Mikey had a very strong comeback 7-5 win in the opening round vs El Toro’s #2 player, who played a similar style, never give up, game of tennis. After an EZ 2nd round 6-0 win, Mikey took on their top player and beat him 6-2. The combo of Mikey being in great shape from basketball and Lucas wearing out this guy in a long 2nd round set was sweet to watch.
Lucas Johnson
After an EZ first round win, Freshman Lucas Johnson won 4 games in a row for a great come-from-behind 7-5 victory on the back row of courts in the 2nd round vs El Toros best player. Both boys had similar styles of play: mixtures of attacking and counter-punching with strong serves. Lucas hit some superb passing shots in this comeback set. Sending this kid tired and dejected set him up to lose to Mikey in the final round, while Lucas went on to win his 3rd set.
Yuan Gou
Sam played with Max Chiotis, winning a tight first round set 7-5, then winning subsequent rounds 6-2, 6-2. Both Sam and Max had sone big serves, strong net play and fierce overhead smashes. Well done today.