Oceanside, CA — Varsity Oceanside vs Ramona Thursday’s game was quite the nail biter, going into two 3minute quarters overtime to determine the winner! Varsity Pirates came out strong against the Ramona Bulldogs with Blake Munoz taking the sprint and gaining the first offensive possession of the game. With no goals being scored in the first four minutes of the game, it became evident that this was going to be a game of strong defense and control. Pirates put the first point on the board at 2:35 with a goal by Center, Cody Lovgren. Tanner Armstrong followed up with another quick point at 1:06 for the Pirates to go up 0-2 over the Bulldogs. As the quarter came to a close, Goalie, Bo DuBois had a great save, but the splash of his hands jumped the ball back into his own net bringing the score 2-1 with :06 left in the quarter. Moving into the second quarter both teams were fired up! Blake Munoz took control of the sprint, giving Pirates the first opportunity on offense. Within the first minute of the game Pirate Senior, Cody Lovgren, had put another point on the board. On the following two possessions, Cody took control again and scored another two goals at 5:26 and 4:41 bringing Pirates to a 5-1 lead. With a 4 point lead Coach Kelsie started to rotate new players in to sub, getting the Pirate starters some rest, and trying out different combinations of players. Pirates played a strong defensive game throughout the rest of the second quarter, holding the Bulldogs to 1. Pirates finished the first half 5-1 and energized. Moving into the second half, Logan Munoz won the sprint giving Pirates the first offensive opportunity yet again! In a quick transition to offense, Bulldog, Drake Fall, put a solid point on the board for Ramona. Pirates answered that goal with movement on their next offensive possession, resulting in a man up opportunity. No goal is scored off of the man up opportunity, and Pirates go on to play solid defense until 4:20. As Senior Pirate, Nic McCoy, hustles back to defense to cover a drive, the Bulldogs earn a penalty shot and are able to convert it into a goal bringing the score to 3-5. In the next minute, Bulldog, Drake Fall, puts another point on the board for Ramona bringing them within one. Coach Kelsie calls a timeout, taking the opportunity to sub and run a controlled offense. Senior Pirate, Tanner Armstrong, sinks another goal in to take the Pirates up by two with 2:35 left in the quarter. With :06 seconds left, Bulldogs put a tide turning goal on the board, finishing the quarter 5-6. Blake Munoz wins the fourth quarter sprint, again giving the Pirates the first opportunity on offense. In that first possession, Pirates earn a man-up opportunity and Senior, Logan Munoz, puts one in for the Pirates! With a two goal lead, Pirates continue to work on defense and push their offense. On the very next possession, Pirate, Logan Munoz, does it again with a great shot from the outside. Pirates are up 5-8 when Bulldog, Drake Falls, finds a gap in the Pirate defense and puts another point on the board for Ramona. With 5:48 left in the game, a defensive exclusion leaves the Pirates exposed and a man down. Pirates are able to hold off the Bulldogs until the next possession when Ramona gets a goal bringing the score to 7-8 with 2:28 left in the quarter. Another defensive exclusion against the Pirates leaves them vulnerable and Ramona converts the opportunity into another point. 8-8 with 1:34 left in the game, Coach Kelsie calls a time out. Pirates advance on offense, earn and ejection and have a man up opportunity. The opportunity isn’t converted, and Bulldogs take it the other way to score. Bulldogs are up 9-8 with :08 seconds left in the game. Using her last timeout, Coach Kelsie brings the team to half to breakdown and confirm the final play. Pirate Goalie, Bo DuBois, is pulled into the offense, giving the Pirates a 7 on 6 advantage for their last chance to tie the game. Pirates run a double post, with remaining offensive positions being filled by the other 5 Pirates. Pirates are in a position to score. With one second left, Goalie, Bo DuBois, sinks a goal on the Bulldogs to tie it up and advance the game into overtime! Overtime consists of two 3:00 quarters. The first overtime quarter is evenly matched, with both teams playing strong defensively. Neither team is able to get a point on the board. The clock runs out and the final quarter of the game begins. Pirates win the sprint and have the first offensive opportunity. With that first possession underway, Senior, Tanner Armstrong, puts a goal in at 2:38. With the next opportunity, Pirates earn an exclusion and have a man up opportunity with 2:16 left in the game. Pirates do not convert the opportunity to a goal and transition back into defense. On the next offensive possession, Senior, Cody Lovgren, puts a solid goal in for the Pirates bringing the score to 9-11. With :02 seconds left in the quarter, the Bulldogs are still fighting hard. Drake Falls manages to sink a goal for Ramona with :02 left. Pirates win 10-11.