Jade Bedi
Chino Hills, CA


Contact: [email protected]

HS 2030, Col 2034
12 years old
Handed: Right Handed

Softball — Second Base
Softball — Outfield

About Me

My name is Jade Bedi and I'm 12 years old. I’m hardworking softball player. I'm truly dedicated to this sport. I have been playing for Athletics Mercado for over a year. Knowing that I'm capable of playing softball in college makes me more passionate for this sport. What I can offer to a team is the promise to always work hard and never give up. I am the first to go to the field and the last to leave. When it comes to choosing what school I would like to go to, I am open to going anywhere. I am open minded about colleges and hope to find a college that fits me best. It doesn't matter about the size or location; if I can receive a good education and play softball I will forever be happy and grateful.
