Addy Diamon
Twentynine Palms, CA


Contact: [email protected]

9 years old


About Me

Hi! I'm Adeline, Addy for short. I live in Twentynine Palms, CA, with my mom, dad and two sisters (who also got invited to NY!). My dad is an active-duty Marine, so we get to move every couple of years. Its always an adventure! Everyone in my family was born in a different state! At first, living in the desert was a difficult adjustment, but finding my place on the Divas has given me confidence and a group full of the best friends I could ask for! When I'm not dancing, I'm dancing! It's all I want to do! I'm working hard to raise $2500 to help my dream of dancing in NY with the rest of my Divas come true! I'm looking forward to furthering my education in dance and taking in the sights and sounds of such a big city! It's going to be magical! Thank you for supporting me while I chase this big goal! I truly appreciate it!
