Claire Diamon
Twentynine Palms, CA


Contact: [email protected]

11 years old


About Me

Hi! I'm Claire, and I dance with a fantastic group of girls called the Divas! My dad is an active-duty Marine, so we move a lot. This latest move put us in Twentynine Palms, CA, where I was introduced to dancing at Starstruck Dance Studio! This is my first year as a competitive dancer, and I LOVE it! I'm also homeschooled, so being on a team with so many talented girls who quickly became my friends has been amazing! I have two sisters (middle child), two dogs, a cat, and some chickens. When I'm not dancing, I'm practicing my acro tricks! I recently nailed my ariel, and Im hoping to have my back tuck soon! I LOVE being on stage and performing. Going to NYC with my team (as well as my sisters) would be a dream come true! My mom says we will have to work hard to make this trip possible, so Im currently perfecting my cookie recipe for a bake sale and cleaning out my room for a yard sale. I'm hoping to raise $2500. I know that is a lot of money, but if I work hard and save every penny, I can hopefully make this happen! Thank you for supporting me! I couldn't do this without the love and support of my local community, friends, and family!
