Wildomar, CA — Congratulations to the entire track program for their convincing win over both Chaparral and Hemet. Below are the results and video of the meet. Both Varsity boys and girls remain undefeated on the year and are looking forward to our upcoming meet at Ramona HS next Tuesday. Scores: JV Girls - Elsinore 97, Chaparral 35, Hemet 16 JV Boys - Elsinore 97.5, Chaparral 35, Hemet 11.5 Varsity Girls - Elsinore 95, Chaparral 35, Hemet 23 Varsity Boys - Elsinore 101, Chaparral 39.5, Hemet 18.5 Results: http://www.finishedresults.com/files/Track2019/DualMeets/Elsinore/Elsinore-Results.pdf Video: https://leusdk12ca-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/jeff_hodges_leusd_k12_ca_us/EbPj81XFX4pCt1PsvubBd0ABEF7LqQA_-iaIPCIYj5cegA?e=GkZGsO