Emergency Booster Meeting

Location & Date


Urgent we need you! We will be holding a emergency booster meeting on August the 1st at 5:30 pm in the bleachers. This meeting is imperative as what happenes will decide if the boosters will continue. At this moment our booster group is currently working with only 3 people as we are losing the President, which we will go over why during the meeting. We are in need of you as family members to step up to continue this group that helps keep the program funded to give the players all that they need during the football season. I am sad to say that if we do not get the 2 crucial positions filled and if we do not get anymore volunteers the boosters will need to dissolve. This group is not viable on 3 people, it only works if we have a tribe to do the work together and right now it is failing for the team. We can answer more questions during the meeting but need as many if not all of you there so we can continue this booster group that has been around for decades. Anyone can be a booster or a headchair but the 2 e-board members must have current player on the team that is the only stipulation.