Fan Cloth Spirit Wear Sales

Location & Date


We are taking a different approach to Spirit Packs and team Spirit Wear this year. We are asking that players that are NEW to our program purchase the following items: Tshirts ~ #3, #4 ~ Shorts; # 15 & #12 (in current catalog they are white, however we have changed the color purple and are now $22 vice $34), we are also asking that order one of the following sweatshirts: item # 9, 10, or 11. Feel free to order as many items as you'd like! All proceeds from this fundraiser will go towards the cost of our hats for this upcoming season.


on line ordering for credit card payment can be done via the following link: www.FANCLOTH.COM/92203/416708 Please make sure you add you Players name at the top so we know who the order belongs to.