Event MVP

Jonathan Moran
Annville-Cleona Varsity Track & Field


Big races at Twin Valley, stepping up to run the 4x400, being determined to alway improve

Kendall Cooper
PR's in her Individual Events, apart of the team that broke the 4x100 School record, GREAT Team Captain and one of the hardest workers on the team
Emily Shuey
PR in her Long Jump, showing up everyday and working hard to continue to improve with every jump
Emily Maag
PR's in her 1600 and 3200 races, GREAT Team Captain and just the ultimate teammate who cares so much for all on her team.
Abigail Manwiller
PR's in her throws and consistently working hard and having a great attitude at Meets & Practices
David Moran
Great splits in his relays, stepping up to compete in events when we needed someone to step up, being the ultimate competitor and driven to improve
Logan Radocha
BIG PR in his throws, scoring in a meet to help the team score, working hard at practice and have a great attitude
Luke Tshudy
BIG PR in Pole Vault, working hard in his offseason to allow him to have success this season