Sophomore/Juniors Cowboy Service Project

Location & Date


Please have player meet there or drop off player. Wear appropriate clothing for working outdoors. Jeans, grey Cowboy Football shirt and tennis shoes. No flip flops or crocs. A hat and sunscreen may be needed and is recommended. It does take about 15 minutes to get there so please plan accordingly. If you have a rake, shovel or gloves please bring them for your player to use. They will have some there for use. If you bring any equipment of your own please have it clearly marked.


We will be helping at Carousel Ranch. We will only be able to have the current 10th and 11th grade players attending. It is highly encouraged that your player be there. It is optional for Freshman. We really want to give back to the community. We handed out permission slips to the players last week. If they are coming and didn't turn it in to coach they need to bring it to participate. It is attached. Our goal is to a service project twice a year. We will be feeding them. But please bring water.


carousel waiver.pdf

Notes: We will pass out a waiver to the players but here is a copy just in case you need it. It does need to be signed in order to participate.

May 10, 2023