., MI — Alixzandra Vasquez Senior, Defender Ali Vasquez has played soccer for close to 14 years, including all 4 years of high school (minus the 2020 covid season). She has started every varsity game that she ever played in, and started 4 games her junior year before tearing her acl. Ali returned for her senior season and has started every game that she’s played in. Ali is one of the biggest leaders throughout our soccer program and throughout the entire school. How has the game of soccer impacted your life? “The game of soccer has impacted my life more than any other sport or club ever has. Before joining powerlifting, soccer was the only sport that I genuinely had a love for. When I am out on the soccer field, there is nothing else on my mind and even though I hate running, I love being out there on the field every time. Aside from the mental improvements that soccer gives, it gives a different outlook on things, and gives a great opportunity to create lifelong friendships. What is your favorite memory about being involved with soccer? “Either sophomore year when I used to tackle Rylie every day at practice, or getting cleared to return to soccer for my senior year.” What other school activities are you involved in besides soccer? “I am a member of the varsity powerlifting team, am a member of the National Honor Society, and am involved with YAC.” Share a fun fact or two about yourself. “I’m taller than both of my parents and I love to cook” Coaches quote about Ali: “When I got the job to be the varsity girls soccer coach, Ali was the first person that I met with to lay out a plan for the future of the program. She was all in, and was really the catalyst to kickstarting the growth of our program. You would have a really hard time finding a better leader in ANY sports program. Ali is a phenomenal student in the classroom, is a positive role model throughout the hallways, and is an asset to our soccer program.”