Event MVP

Elizabeth Hilton
Caledonia Girls Skiing


Elizabeth seems to get faster every run! It has been fun watching her improve as a skier this year and we are excited to see where she ends up. Liz placed 22nd in Sl and 26th in GS.

Erin Peckham
Erin has been a key to our team's performance this year. She has scored a lot for us and tonight she skied well enough to help our team move up on spot in the SWMSC. Erin placed 19th Sl and 28th in GS.
Adia Whisler
Adia lead our B-team in both events tonight. Her skiing is very solid and she is gaining speed and confidence with each run. Adia placed 3rd in slalom and 5th in GS.
Katie Honhart
Katie is really skiing well. She is skiing like she has more experience than a freshman and is growing as a racer with each run. Katie placed 6th in slalom and 12th in GS.