Adrian, MI — Today, we competed on the big stage for all the marbles. A chance to extend our season and play in the state tournament. While watching the score board go up and down all day, we got in the top 3 for a while. Unfortunately it wasn’t in the cards for the team to advance to the next tourney. The shining star of the day was sophomore Drew Swihart. She battled her way through fast and hilly greens and a 1 hour delay for frost. The Hills of Lenawee course is just like it sounds……full of Hills!!!! Tough course to walk. Even tougher to play!!! Drew shot a 104. 1 shot ahead of where she needed to finish to qualify!!! I figured out as she was on the last green that she need a 2 putt to tie…….and she ran in a 15 foot bender for a 1 putt and the last qualifier spot!!! Proud of how much she improved this year… did everyone!!! Now for the really tough part for me. I took this job so that my daughter and her friends would have some sort of normalcy in their high school…something that has been lacking no fault of their own. I feel that I have learned as much from them as I only hope they have learned from me!! Not just golf…life lessons. I truly hope that Danni, Summer, and Ella all know that they gained a friend for life (and yes I know Ella is my daughter). Someone who they can rely on and a person they can seek advice from as they navigate adulthood!! Please know that you three have made this season a total joy to go through regardless of how we finished. We can’t change how the season ended now…..but we can look back on all the laughs and life lessons we encountered. Enough sappiness from me…….. Coming to you live from the State golf tournament in 2 weeks………..go Drew!!! JUST DO BETTER!!!!! Coach Dekker