OCWA Pre-Season Tournament

Location & Date


Register by 8pm night before; $15 per wrestler ; $10 additional weights High School girls checkin 8:30-9:30am, wrestling starts at 10am; High School frosh/soph/JV checkin between 10-10:30am; wrestling starts at 11am High School varsity/Elite checkin between 11:30-12pm, wrestling starts at 12:30pm COPY AND PASTE REGISTRATION LINK IN BROWSER https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSds1hn4xzrViFJ8QDtN9_hIOUZoaWPVivITH-xjkJzdE_kFKA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 Pre-register via link or go to OCWA instagram @OCWAcalifornia; weigh-ins online Reminder: Pre-season, so coach may or may not be present. Unregistered wrestlers checkin between 7-8am;


frosh/soph/jv/varsity pre-season tournament