Monday Itinerary Read Carefully and completely

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After meetings each player has individual work. It is mandatory. You need to send your workout video to you coaches. If there is an issue or any questions you need to ask! No more excuses about class work or field work. If you have two positions practice both techniques. Warm up QBs. Throw on quick game drops. Bubble/now. Hitches. Speed out. 3 step. Curl Okie Comeback. Movement steps in the pocket. TEs can work slice/arc/lead steps focusing on first step with correct foot upfield. Also stay low out of stance and to the break down on the block. Receivers Footwork. WO drill routs. Release N drill. Slants. Rip Stick drill. Hitches. Punch Square drill. Speed outs. Eye to eye Speed cut RBs 10 yard with 5 yard burst at end one in high knees, two in high knees, three in high knees and hip twist. Oregon footwork 10 yard burst, Georgia footwear 10 yard burst, Vandy footwork 10 yard burst, Virginia footwork 10 yard burst. X two each side. Lbs Stance Read Steps 2X Indy footwork High Knees 2X Lateral High Knees 2X Shuffle 2X W Drill 2X Four corners Sprint Shuffle Sprint Shuffle Rip/Wipe Technique on Air Pass Drops 2X’s Left/Right Secondary Pedal pedal pedal Emphasis on staying low and exploding out of the break Don’t need a ball, cones etc to do the drills we do every Indy period If you can find a partner you can also work off-man and press technique O line Do each superset once, then start back at the top. They already know this but they should also be going through steps and hand/footwork each day as well as plays. Centers need to be getting snaps with someone or against the side of their house, a fence, etc. Superset 1 Plyo push ups 3x10 Tuck jumps 3x10 Rest 1 minute Superset 2 Lateral lunges 3x10 each leg, alternating each side Overhead walking lunges 3x10 down & back (roll up a towel and hold it at both ends over your head while doing it) Rest 1 minute Superset 3 Air squats 3x10 30 sec plank/right side oblique dips x10/30 sec plank/left side oblique dips x10 Dline -5 sets of 20 push ups (Wide, incline, decline, close, wide) -5 sets of 20 abs (Regular, V ups, obliques 20 each side, scissors, heal touches) -5 sets body weight squts for 1 min! Make sure chest up -5 sets standing lungs 30 seconds each leg (once u do rt/lt thts 1 set) -5 sets of step ups alternating legs (drive knee up extended off plant leg) -Work on get Offs 5 wit each hand down working on extention with 2 moves after u stop tha run -5x 3 bag gauntlet just work on flipping ya hips staying close 2 tha object of choice! -Latters/ step ovaz try n make some if dt have just need 5 boxes/bags 2 work on footwork


Monday Football Zoom Defense 4:30pm Football Zoom Offense 5pm Workout instruction below