Nike Boise Indoor Meet

Location & Date


Competing athletes, arrive the facility by 4 pm on Friday to begin your warmups. Sprint prelims begin at 5 pm. Long jump begins at 6 pm. Ensure you have 1/4" pyramid spikes instead of needle spikes in your shoes. Bring your own protein or healthy snacks (maybe even a sandwich) to consume between events. Coach Renz is bringing bottled water for athletes and coaches. We will wrap up and go home around 9:30 ish. Saturday, distance runners arrive no later than 8:15 am., and jumpers arrive no later than 8:30 am to begin warmups. All others, please arrive by 9:15 am to cheer your teammates on. The meet will conclude for us around 4:30 pm. The Goodes have invited athletes to their house afterwards for pizza and to hang out. Exact time To Be Determined. I'll let you know. Please thank the Goodes for their kind gesture and hospitality.